Zine Club Chicago Online: Ain’t No Party Like a Zine Party!
- December 12 @ 7:30 PM
This month, we’re pairing up with our pal Michael Verdi @verdidotmov of Zine Party! to say farewell to 2023 with a festive online gathering! Our own Liz Mason @caboosezine will lead us in a fun zinemaking activity focused on celebrating our personal highlights of this year. Grab your zinemaking supplies, BYOH(ot)C(ocoa), and join us on Zoom for Zine Club Chicago Online: Ain’t No Party Like a Zine Party! at 7:30 p.m. CT Tuesday, December 12. ** RSVP required! ** We want to make sure that our online Zine Club Chicago events are a safe space, so we won’t be releasing the Zoom link publicly. If you’d like to attend, please email zineclubchicago@gmail.com to RSVP by 9 p.m. CT Monday Dec. 11 (the evening before our event). We’ll email you the Zoom link by 5 p.m. CT Tuesday, Dec. 12. More info at quimbys.com.