All-Chicago Tenant Alliance Recruitment Event
- January 26 @ 1:00 PM
- until 2:00 PM
- Case Hernandez Community Space and Free Store
- 3519 W. North Ave.
- 3519 W. North Ave.
Join the All-Chicago Tenant Alliance (ACTA), an alliance of Chicago renters organizing tenant unions across the city against the landlord class. ACTA is holding two recruitment events for any Chicago tenant interested in joining the fight. Come as you are! No experience needed! Our rents continue to rise. Our apartments continue to degrade. For many of us, moving every year is a regular part of renting in Chicago. Yet, our landlords are sitting pretty, getting richer and richer and richer each year. How is this possible? Why should the few continue to profit while the many continue to suffer? Chicago tenants are sick of it: something has to change. But how does that change come about? Waiting for someone to come save us is not an option. Tenants need to take their own lives into their hands.