Chicago Conversations Part 2: Public Safety Beyond Police
- November 29 @ 7:00 PM
- Build Coffee
- 6100 S Blackstone Ave
- 6100 S Blackstone Ave
This is the second event in our four-part public discussion series on Chicago’s left political landscape and movement. We’ll be talking about advancements on movement demands for Treatment Not Trauma, which will expand non-police responses to mental health crises and re-open clinics as a front-end investment in public health and safety, and the Peacebook, which will expand violence prevention efforts led by youth peacekeepers instead of cops. Still, Chicago’s police budget is almost $2 billion and makes up around 40% of our city budget – so what does a vision for reallocating resources from policing toward a more holistic type of investment in public safety look like? What power do our movements need, but not yet have, to make this vision a reality? What are concrete steps our city can take?